Cordova SDK 0.99.5
Version 0.99.5
Service release to support iOS 14.3 and Android 11
Android 10 or 11 Developers:
You MUST set your compileSdkVersion in your projects to 28 or earlier. Several components of the reader hardware depend on bluetooth configurations that are only present in Android SDK 28 or earlier. Using SDK 29 or later will result in an app that builds, but will not pair successfully with EMV reader hardware such as the Walker C2X BT, or Nomad handsets. Also, please note, if you use location services in conjunction with a reader
Android 11 also introduced a new permission which must be enabled to allow background devices to use location services. If you application uses location services in conjunction with this SDK, you need to add a new permission "ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION" to your AndroidManfiest.xml.
iOS Developers:
iOS 14.3 changed some permissions regarding background location which can effect location aware BLE devices. This release provides the additional permissions required to allow iOS 14.3 devices to successfully pair with BLE readers such as the Walker C2X BT or Nomad.