Class BitmaskTools
public class <span class="typeNameLabel">BitmaskTools</span> extends java.lang.Object
Constructor Summary
Constructor and Description`<span class="memberNameLink">
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethod and Description`static java.lang.String``<span class="memberNameLink">
bitSetToHexString(java.util.BitSet bitSet)
static java.util.BitSet``
fromByteAlignedString(java.lang.String binaryString)`returns BitSet representing input binary string that must represent byte data in big endian format Valid inputs are "00001111" or "0000 1111", spaces are trimmed
`static java.util.BitSet````
<span class="memberNameLink">
fromByteAlignedString(java.lang.String binaryString,
boolean littleEndian)
```returns BitSet representing input binary string that must represent byte data in either little/big endian format Valid inputs are "00001111" or "0000 1111", spaces are trimmed
`static java.util.BitSet``<span class="memberNameLink">
fromString(java.lang.String binaryString)`returns BitSet representing input string containing a binary number Valid inputs are "00001111" or "0000 1111", spaces are trimmed
`static java.lang.String````
<span class="memberNameLink">
getBits(java.lang.String hexString,
int startBit,
int endBit)
```returns a string representing the bits requested for a given hexString Given a hex string of say "0F", and a startbit of 0, and end bit of 6, it will return the string "00001"
`static java.util.BitSet``<span class="memberNameLink">
hexToBitSet(java.lang.String hexString)
static boolean````
isMatch(java.lang.String hexString,
java.lang.String bitMask)
```returns true if hexString matches bitMask each bit position in the string bitMask can be either 1, 0, or x, where x specifies "we don't care".
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
`clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait`
Constructor Detail
`public BitmaskTools()`
Method Detail
`public static java.util.BitSet hexToBitSet(java.lang.String hexString)`
`public static java.lang.String bitSetToHexString(java.util.BitSet bitSet)`
`public static java.util.BitSet fromByteAlignedString(java.lang.String binaryString)`returns BitSet representing input binary string that must represent byte data in big endian format Valid inputs are "00001111" or "0000 1111", spaces are trimmed
Parameters:`binaryString` must be a string consisting of either 0, 1, or a spaceReturns:BitSet
public static java.util.BitSet fromByteAlignedString(java.lang.String binaryString,
boolean littleEndian)
returns BitSet representing input binary string that must represent byte data in either little/big endian format Valid inputs are "00001111" or "0000 1111", spaces are trimmed
Parameters:`String` binaryString must be a string consisting of either 0, 1, or a space`boolean` littleEndianReturns:BitSet
`public static java.util.BitSet fromString(java.lang.String binaryString)`returns BitSet representing input string containing a binary number Valid inputs are "00001111" or "0000 1111", spaces are trimmed
Parameters:`binaryString` must be a string consisting of either 0, 1, or a spaceReturns:
public static boolean isMatch(java.lang.String hexString,
java.lang.String bitMask)
returns true if hexString matches bitMask each bit position in the string bitMask can be either 1, 0, or x, where x specifies "we don't care". for example, a hex value of "03" is represented in bits as 0000 0011, will match to a bitmask of "00000011" or "0000xxx1"
Parameters:`hexString` must be a string consisting of hex characters or space`bitMask` must be a string consisting of '0', '1', 'x' or spaceReturns:boolean
public static java.lang.String getBits(java.lang.String hexString,
int startBit,
int endBit)
returns a string representing the bits requested for a given hexString Given a hex string of say "0F", and a startbit of 0, and end bit of 6, it will return the string "00001"
Parameters:`hexString` must be a string consisting of hex characters or space`startBit` non-negative int`endBit` int >= startBitReturns:String