Connecting a Bluetooth Card Reader
Note that this sample includes code for handling when multiple bluetooth devices are found - here, the solution is the simple use the first in the list while production code would present a user interface to select the proper device.
// To connect via bluetooth, simply pass the BluetoothCardReaderConnectionListener parameter.
CardReader.connect(new BluetoothCardReaderConnectionListener() {
public void onCardReaderConnected(CardReader cardReader) {
// The connected card reader will be returned in this method. You can now use it.
// Card reader connected, name = cardReader.getModelDisplayName()
public void onCardReaderConnectionFailed(MeaningfulError meaningfulError) {
// Something went wrong. Check the error
// meaningfulError.toString() contains error text;
public void onMultipleBluetoothDevicesFound(List<BluetoothDevice> matchingDevices) {
// In the unlikely event that there are more than one bluetooth devices in range,
// this callback will get fired. You will need to select one of the devices and connect to it.
// Should prompt the user to select one device to connect out of the matchingDevices candidate list.
// For this example, we'll just take the first one in the list for simplicity and connect to it.
BluetoothDevice device = matchingDevices.get(0);
CardReader.connect(device, listener);
- (IBAction)connectBluetooth:(id)sender {
[[ANPCardReaderController sharedController] connectBluetoothReader:^(NSArray<ANPBluetoothDevice *> * _Nullable readers) {
NSLog(@"Found BT devices --> %@", readers);
Updated almost 6 years ago